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FLUTUR Cosmetics is a beauty brand dedicated to enhancing natural beauty with a unique and innovative range of false eyelashes and lip products. We partnered with FLUTUR Cosmetics to shape their brand identity, providing a full spectrum of services including branding, web development, e-commerce strategy and social media management.



Our collaboration with FLUTUR Cosmetics began with the creation of a unique and compelling brand identity. Working closely with the FLUTUR team, we developed a distinctive logo inspired by the delicate flutter of butterfly wings—a perfect metaphor for the elegance and allure that defines the brand. The branding process included:
– Crafting a logo that symbolizes the grace and movement of lashes, using the butterfly as a central motif.
– Developing a sophisticated color palette that reflects the brand’s essence and appeal.

– Designing a cohesive visual style to embody FLUTUR’s mission of empowering beauty with confidence and elegance.


Through strategic brand development, we’ve helped FLUTUR Cosmetics position itself as a standout in the beauty industry, delivering a refined and memorable identity that resonates with its audience.